"My two-year-old daughter already knows how to separate trash!"

Nina Charlene Mbiti: Mother of three children, passionate hobby gardener, and part of the BEWITAL environmental management team since 2018. A very personal insight into her relationship with sustainability and her work at BEWITAL: 

"Waste separation and bottle recycling - these were actually my first encounters with sustainability when I came to Germany from Gabon in 2004. What became natural for me after some time is already second nature for my little daughter today. When she asks me which bin to throw something into, I am reminded anew of the responsibility we have for the environment and future generations."

 Sustainability is a family business.

regionale Rohstoff-Lieferanten
"This was also a significant motivation for me to start working in environmental management at BEWITAL - or let's say, to really dive into it. Because sustainability has long been a family business here and successfully integrated into the business strategy. As nature is the basis for our products, we strive every day to preserve it by acting sustainably and responsibly. 
In the production of our products, we ensure that environmental compatibility is considered in the development phase of new processes and products. Raw materials are sourced from local agricultural businesses wherever possible. Furthermore, we focus on saving energy and resources in the production process and recycling or reusing waste materials."

Lots of love produces a lot of waste.

"All of these are good starting points in my opinion. When you consider that there are almost 17 million cats and 10 million dogs in German households, as a pet food manufacturer, we have a significant impact on the beloved four-legged friends' CO2 pawprint. Packaging is particularly intriguing in this context. Preserving product quality, reducing CO2 emissions, and improving recycling rates - that's the balancing act we are currently navigating. In this area as well, we set higher standards than are currently legally required and are ahead of the curve. With our own requirements, we want to ensure that our raw materials maintain consistently high quality, our pet food achieves optimal durability, and we produce in a human and environmentally friendly manner."

From 53 to 100!

"A significant portion of our new packaging is sustainable, allowing for environmentally-friendly recycling while providing the highest product protection. In certain areas, we have transitioned to biodegradable plastics. One problem persists: biodegradable plastics are not currently stable for storage. Additionally, for hygiene reasons, recycled materials cannot be fully utilized. However, we are working to increase the proportion of recycled plastics. And we are on a good path: in 2023, we expect to introduce 53% of our 175 tonnes of plastic as certified, recyclable packaging - and that's far from the end of our efforts.
Not only with our customers, but also with wholesalers, importers, specialty and local retailers, and industrial customers, sustainability in the production processes is increasingly influencing purchasing decisions. Rightly so, in our opinion. Even if it means that our investment costs for acquiring new technical equipment or process optimization are rising."

The last one turns off the lights!

"Internally, sustainability has also become an enthusiasm factor. We recognized early on that little can be achieved in this area if the workforce does not participate. That's why we provide all necessary resources for integrated environmental protection, inform, train, and motivate our employees, and actively involve all staff members in the improvement process. Among ourselves, we raise awareness of the environmental and energy impacts of our activities. You can already see that at our company, indeed, the last person turns off the lights!"